Friday, July 24, 2009

Wasting my time

Don't you hate it when a company can not follow simple instructions, it is bad enough that there web site won't allow you to do what you want and you have to phone up customer services (at your cost), who then pass you on to another department. Then when you explain exactly what you want the incompetent call centre staff still gets it wrong. But that is only half the story, once they realised they got it wrong there was nothing they could do to correct it, I had to wait for the changes to go through the system before they could be corrected.

Ok before I loose the plot completely this is what I am on about, I have three web sites and I wanted to change the settings on one of them (I won't get techy with you about what I wanted but it was straight forward requirement), being unable to find where I needed to change the setting on their support web page I phoned the web hosting company up and told the call centre girl exactly what I wanted, she then passed me to another department and I explained again what I wanted. Somewhere between the two call centre people I spoke to, they managed to remove the web hosting on one of my other web site so it was not visible from Wednesday afternoon till sometime last night\early this morning. During this time I have spoken to other call centre staff in the UK, the USA and the Phillipines and despite there international workforce they have failed at offering the most basic level of support.

The name of this incompetents company is "1and1", it is not only the fact that they got it wrong but the fact that they were unable (or unprepared) to correct the cock-up they made. So I have spent the last 36 hours sorting out a new web hosting package for all three of my web sites. I am not moving away from "1and1" solely based on this cock-up, I was considering moving away from them anyway in the next 12 months (which in part was what the change I phoned up about was for, tidying up loose ends ready for a move) as they do not offer the service I wanted at a reasonable cost, but having had this problem thrust upon me now, is the straw that broke this camel back.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Better known as mosquito, I hate them, I was been bitten raw by them last night, I have about 8 bites on my face, one bugger even bit me on the lip. I have large swollen lumps all over my face, hands and ankles. I normally get the occasional bite during the summer, but last night the little bar stewards had a summer feast and I was main course. I would not of minded but it seem that I was the only victim (the wife got got by a couple of bites). I have spent the day rubbing cream on me swollen lumps to stop irritation.

We spent the weekend at Essex Kite Park (South End on Sea to be exact), the weather was OK and the company was great. But the wind did not want to co-operate and blew through strongly from varying direction and in gusts which made flying difficult to dangerous.

When we go away to these type of do's we normally borrow a motorhome and this time was not exception. I normally have a choice and pick a good one but I can honestly say I hated this one because of one thing, the sleeping arrangement. It was not because the double bed area was only marginally bigger than a single and we (the wife and thee) had to sleep in separate beds, no it was because the bed was not long enough, I am only 5' 7" and I could not stretch out length ways without hitting something. At least tonight I can sleep in my own bed without hitting my head or stubbing my toe.

In our travels to Essex and back we had the joys of the M25 car park. On the way up it was delays at Chorley Wood road works (going clockwise) but that was nothing compared to the tailbacks going anti-clockwise J14 to J5. On the way home the tailback were again in the Chorley Wood road works but this time the tailbacks were not helped with two broken down vans in the roadworks, one behind each other!! I am not sure which stretch of road I hate most the M25 or the M1, fortunately I don't have to travel either very often and I will do what I can to avoid travelling on either if I can.