Saturday, July 11, 2009

New arrival

We had a new arrival in our family this week, a Mac book. You are probably wondering what I am on about, well were a family of four and between us we have 4 Pc's, 3 laptops and now a Mac book (and that does not include work PC or Laptop). The Mac book is for the daughter, she has been using an old HP for the last couple of years and with the intention of starting University in September she decided that she wanted a new laptop. For the past 2 years at college she has been using Macs so decided that what she wanted (plus they are seen as cool and trendy). I have had a play with it but I am not sure what to make of it yet. While we were in the shop I loved the large 24" iMac, I could even sense my bank manager squirming as I had ago on one!!

Well I said family of four above but the youngest member does not have his own PC at present, he just finds one not in use and uses that one. But he is about to get the HP laptop. Most parents have so many questions about giving young kids PC or even access to one. When we gave our daughter hers first PC it lived in her bedroom we gave her rules about what the type of web sites she could go on and sign up to and warned her that if we found out she had been places she should not that would be the end of her PC and to be honest it has worked. When she got the laptop (she was 16 then) the rules were relaxed a bit.

I forgot I had started this on Saturday, so I will now finish it on Monday........

Well after some trials and tribulations I got the laptop setup for our son. When we told him he was over the moon. He has been told the rules and responsibility that comes with the laptop, so lets see if he follows his sister example.

The weather around here on Saturday was lousy all day, which was handy as it allowed me time to get the laptop sorted. Sunday started damp and grey and improved as the day went on. I had thought about going flying but with the gloomy start I decided to give it a miss. Stayed in and watched the F1 Grand Prix at lunch time and then grabbed the camera and headed off to the flying field as the weather had improved to a sunny but gusty windy day (well afternoon). I was quite surprised how quiet it was down at the field, only a couple of local flyers out.

Managed to get a few of Alex's and a young lady friend who was trying kite flying for the first time and in the gusty winds on Sunday that was no mean feat. In fact she did very well, she got a few bruises for her troubles. The picture (on the left) is simply looking over the young ladies shoulder looking up at the kite. Quite happy with this as it was simply a case of hold the camera down point it up to the sky and click.

There was a young lad down there I had seen in the past, I think last time I saw him he could hardly hold a small kite, but Sunday he was flying a large LEI kite (same size as Alex was using), so he has progressed well over the last year or so.

Looking forward to the weekend as we are away to Essex for the weekend and then I am on holiday the following week.

Finally it was weigh in night tonight and yes at last I have got the hump of my back, I have lost a total of two stone at last. Been trying to get to this mark for ages, so I am one happy bunny.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I feel grumpy

Not sure why but I feel grumpy, maybe it is because of work today which was a lot of going from a to b and back again then on to c. Maybe because I am tired, I have not slept well all week, been awake early for the last three morning (4am-ish) and then don't get back to sleep any sense until five minutes before getting out of bed. Apart from all the driving today I was trying to configure some new kit, the manual while well written just does not tell me what I need to know, so I have emailed support and there another job which I can't finish.

I have lots to do but don't have the get up and go to do anything at the moment, going to try for an early night tonight, see if I can get some sleep. Have a load of jobs around the house that need doing so I need to find some energy from somewhere.

Been playing with some of the pictures I have taken recently (one of the job still have to do). Here one of the motor bikes from Poole Quay a couple of weeks ago. I liked this one as it had that old school chopper look to it. Unfortunately you have a near zero chance of getting a clear shot, there will always be other bikes, people or large shadows 

Well my red bits have calmed down since Sunday, I was not looking forward to Tuesday when I had the wear trousers to work (worked from home on Monday so wore shorts) but in the end it was not to bad. Had one of those slow boring drives home, just no clear section of road to get me foot down and get going.

Just been exploring my blogger account and found links to other peoples blogs, god do I feel depressed now. They are all so dam interesting and here me bleeting on and on about me. Think I need to go and have a re think sometime over the next few days

Monday, July 6, 2009

Not a happy bunny!

Today was weight in day, and my weight has shot up again. Looking back at my progress my weight is up and down up and down but I just can not get past this block. I tried to eat everything correctly last week, because of the weather there were lots of salad, snacks were fruit, cold potatoes or boiled eggs. I have started eating yogurts which I am not a great fan of to make sure I stay away from the wrong foods. But it all seem to be for nothing. I am so frustrated, I know when I have had a bad week and eaten things that won't help my weight loss but I really felt I was doing right last week. But if history follows it path, next week will be a reasonable weight loss and won't have eaten anything different this week than I had eaten last week..........

For the past few days I have been moving one of my web site to a new sub domain, I decided that funding three web hosting packages was getting costly, so now that one of the web sites has moved I can cancel that hosting package. Then I will move the other web site to another sub domain. Once that is done I will sort out photographic hosting, that four gallery worth of photographs to sort out. So there a bit of work to do and hopefully at the end of it I will have saved some money some where along the line.

My knee's and shins are still a tender pink colour, they are still fairly sore, being rubbing lots of moisturising cream into them, should be interesting tomorrow when I have to wear a pair of trousers to work (the joy of working from home, I can get away with wearing shorts).

Let hope tomorrow morning is a little less chaotic, phone system crashed and the lines handling the Internet crashed as well and all before by 9:30am this morning. Like I did not have anything better to do on a Monday morning.........

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm glowing

Been out flying today and I have this little red glow around me, my forearms and legs have that glowing feeling.............maybe I should of put the sun cream on. Apart from that I had a good fly, typical wind start of low and so I get a big kite out and as soon as I am flying the big kite, the wind picks ups and its back for a smaller one. Even had a flypast by the red arrow this afternoon (flew out of Hurn on their way to Goodwood Festival of Speed). Emergency service were kept busy today, first the air ambulance flew in (helicopter landing pad about 1/2 mile away) and then 30 minute later the coastguard helicopter landed.

Well whats happened over the last few days, well work came and went as usual, the weather has cooled down a bit, still sunny and hot but the close muggynest has gone thankfully.

I have found a new band to follow, after watching Glastonbury (the joys of iPlayer)  I decided to look at Pendulum, bought there "Live at Brixton Academy" CD, pretty good value by today standards, 16 track CD plus 19 track DVD of the same event. Not a bad CD, may look at purchasing another CD of there's when I come across some more of there work (don't think their target audience is an old fart like me!)

Decided that we are not going to do Eastbourne Extreme event this year, so we are are going to goto Southend instead, they have an event on the same weekend and we are on holiday the week after so there no rush to get back so we can have a long weekend.

Thankfully the tennis finish today (or has already) I just can't see what the excitement is, it is not like we are any good at it.