Friday, May 8, 2009

Its Friday, its five to five, its crackerjack!!

With a title like that I am really showing my age!

My son does not know the benefit of having a lie in yet, he will get up around 7-30am at the weekend and go down stairs and watch kids TV, I don't understand the cartoons that he watches. Try to get him to understand that the only cartoons I ever saw on TV when I was his age were either over a holiday period when they had the Disney show was on or Tom and Jerry came or if I was really lucky Popeye. Try telling him that when I was his age, there were only two TV channels, pictures were all black and white and TV did not run all day I just get told that was ages ago, thanks I feel really old now.

Well its the weekend, best days weather for me looks like tomorrow, so it means I will be up early tomorrow and out early to get the shopping done. Then its back home load up the car and then of to my local flying site, not no planes or helicopters, but kites..............traction kites to be exact, that my past time, well one of them at least. I will hopefully spend the day cruising up and down the field, talking and joking with other fellow kite flyer's. Then around tea time it will be home to a BBQ, sounds like a perfect day lets just hope it goes as planned, very little else has this week.

Having worked out my timetable for work next week, it was bad enough that I had to go to head office twice next week, even worse one of those days was next Friday for a meeting (280 mile round trip). Well this afternoon a PC popped it clogs so now I have to go up on Monday, had already organised an engineer to visit to carry out some installation work on Tuesday (unrelated job) which was my other planned days to be at head office which I can't change so now I have to be there three days next week. I think that next week will be a long testing week.

Well before I get too depressed about next weeks work I will try to live life to the full this weekend, I may not have won the euro lottery tonight (some lucky Spaniard has that privilege) but I will enjoy myself and attempt to wake up Monday morning with a smile on my face (yeah some hope!!).

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I thought it was Saturday

Rolled over in bed this morning thinking I could have a lie in as it was Saturday, that illusion was soon shattered as the radio alarm clock burst into life (the alarm is set not to come on on Saturdays and Sundays), through my bleary brain I soon realised that it was Thursday and in fact I could not have even a small lie in as I needed to leave a few minutes earlier than normal. As I left home listening to the car radio I heard one of the main roads I had to travel along was closed due to an accident, you can see my day was not starting well. It got worse when I had to divert from my diversion as the road a head was blocked with a broken down car............ho hum I wished was Saturday and I was still in bed. Thankfully my day did not get any worse although it did not get much better either.

Spent the last few hours sorting a video from 2006, like most people when we first got the video camera we just filmed whatever we wanted then copied it all to disk as a video file (compared to raw footage) complete with shakes blurry images etc. So I thought I would chop out the junk and make a half decent video, not so bad now but still need some more tweaking and a audio track rather than wind rustling through the microphone on the camera.

Talking of wind already started checking the weather for the weekend, wind is forecast in the right direction, sunny periods as well. If the forecast is correct then I think I will go out and play.

Maybe if the weather stays nice I will get the BBQ out for its second outing this year and then there the gazebo to go up, but first the grass needs cutting which means all the edges need strimming but first I need to clean the shed out as I can't get the mower out of the shed....................................and so it go on.

Maybe I will just go to bed Friday night and get up on Monday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The first day

Am I to old, is this blogging a young persons game? I don't know but I just had this strange urge to day to write a blog, so here I am.

As indicated I am not young person, I am quite IT literate (well I should be, my job is in IT). I have decided that I will hide behind anonymity for now, why? because I just feel happier that way for the time being, maybe over time little snippets of me and my family life (there my first snippet) will escape into my blog until the day comes when my identity is known.

What I write about and how often I write I am not sure, come to think of it, I don't think I have ever read another person blog so I am not sure what the content should be??

Well having made some sort of introduction I guess I should write something of my day. It was work as usual, the overtones of more redundancy has reared it head (shop floor not office at the moment.............but I think it will only be a matter of time before my number is up). But possible redundancy has raised an interesting question in my mind, I have quite a few years with my current employer so if I was made redundant I would have a small sum to come to me (basic legal minimum), but what if I see I am offered a job before I am given my redundancy notice should I consider it let alone take it?? I could end up jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Well I think I have typed enough for the time being, I am off to explore my blog. and see what other things I can do around here.