Thursday, May 28, 2009

I am becoming forgetful so I must be getting old

As I mentioned yesterday I took my son out to the New Forest, went to a place called Wilverly Plain, it is on the Burley to Brockenhurst road. I thought we would take my single line kites out and give them an airing, so I dug them out the cupboard, got a couple of pegs to tie the lines to once in the air, a mallet for knocking the pegs in the ground and then we were off. Arrived without any problems, found a nice spot, started getting the kites out and.............. no lines!! It at about this moment that a little light goes on in the back of my head that says the lines and reel are in another bag in the cupboard that I did not pick up, a few choice words (under my breath so my son does not hear me) and I start packing up.

I remember there was a Revolution Kite in the bag (I won't explain what they are check out this web site: ). Fortunately the lines are in the bag for this kite. It has been so long since I last had this kite out I can't even remember how to assemble it, I eventually get it together and attach the lines. On the launch instead of rising steadily into the air the kite veers off to the left. So I check it all connected correctly (as far as I can remember), try again same thing happens again. So now I check the lines are the same length, they are not, one line is about 3inches long than the is about now the familiar light in my head flashes on and I can remember the last time I tried to fly this kite, it kept veering all over the place and I gave up. The lines needed to be sorted out and as they were all different lengths (there are four lines on the kite and they all need to be the same length). I did not have the bits I needed to do it with me, so I had to pack up the kite and and return all of them to the car.

We ended up having a walk around the woods, dodging the muddy puddles and muddy dogs (my son attracts dog like a magnet) and was sporting a lovely mud splodge on his t-shirt from a 21 week old Great Dane puppy (looked more like a tiger with the black stripes in it fur). We manged to avoid the two tone muddy and Golden Labrador and the white and muddy Scotty dog.

The days entertainment ended when I had to drive the wife to an interview straight from work, because of the time she got out of work and the time of the interview she decided that she would change her clothes in the car on the way to the interview, its a amazing how many traffic ques you get stuck in at roundabouts and traffic light :)

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