Friday, May 29, 2009

We got to the beach early

It was hot today, damm hot, I got up this morning and the sky was clear blue and not a cloud to be seen, a pointer of how the day was to continue. After dropping the wife at work and doing a couple of chore around the house I decide it was time to take my son to the beach. Now my son is not a great beach lover, he likes going to the beach but to sit there build sand castle and take a dip, that not is cup of tea. So I planned a nice long walk along the beach and paddling around ankle deep water in the process.

We got down to the beach nice and early, when we arrived a sea mist had descended over the beach and you could barely see 40ft away. As we walked to the beach (we parked on a side road to save the extortionate parking fees) the mist began to lift, we reached the beach kicked of our shoes and suddenly found the beach covered in broken shells, ouch.

By the time we got to the water line the mist had disappeared and clear blue sky return, there were very few people on the beach, the life guards were still putting out their flags and other kit. The water was freezing cold when we first entered but slowly as the our feet acclimatised it became more bearable. We even managed to see 6 little hermit crabs (they would all fit in the palm of your hand with room to spare), dear son was worried they were going to pinch his toes. When we reached the far end of the beach we sat and watched some people fishing and watched the boats leave the harbour out to the big wide sea beyond. By the time we had made our way back to the starting point the beach was crowded and still the people were coming onto the beach.

I think the whole walk was about 2.5 miles, add in the distance from the beach to where the car was parked and we are probably looking 3 miles. Not a great distance in anybody book but with my knees a mile stone none the less.

Unfortunately I overlooked one vital thing, suntan lotion, my son has got a very red neck now, his arms and legs are ok just the back of his neck, no doubt he will make me feel guilty about it over the weekend.

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