Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Job search, how things have changed

The last time I looked for a job, it was a case of looking in the local paper and the job center. If you were a skilled person you could use one of those new fangled employment agency places.

If I go back to my last year of school and Mr Hoy our career teacher, in those days application letters were formal affair sent in the post to your prospective employer with a stamped addressed envelope enclosed if you wanted a reply. I particularly remember Mr Hoy telling the class that if an application letter was not written with a fountain pen then a certain employer would throw the letter in the bin regardless of your qualifications.

Now a days you must have a CV, in my early days in was an application letter to introduce yourself and if your application letter got you to the next stage it was then a large application form. But now the CV has taken over, it is submitted with all letters of application it has to be submitted to job web sites and employment agency before they will even show an interest in you.

Today the greater percentage of jobs are now advertised via job web site with the job advert coming from employment agencies. Jobs are no longer regularly advertised in the local paper. I can't comment on the current trend with job centers as I have not been in one for years but I hope the little female Hitler who always seemed to be on my case when I last went in there is no longer there.

One thing that has not changed is the job interview, but even now these have changed, with informal phone interviews now being part of the application process for some companies. Talking of interview, I do raise a wry smile for the Pepsi advert on TV at the moment, (won't bore you with the details but you can see it here) just wonder if anybody has tried it yet.

The reason I am talking employment agencies and job applications is that I am wondering if I should look for another job, while I enjoy my job I am being treated like s**t. But I go back to my question in my first blogg should I wait to be pushed or jump and loose what redundancy I would be entitled to??

Until the next blog good night

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