Friday, May 15, 2009

Old farts pointless ramblings

I realised that I have been writing this for a week now and still don't seem to have any theme.........unless you can call pointless rambling a theme??

Not had any comments from the outside world so it look like the wife was right when she asked me if there was any point talking to myself. Mind you this is the first time I have ever done anything remotely like keeping a diary (well that how I view a blog in some ways) so it will be interesting to read back and look at what I have written in the future.

Well my days today was pretty rubbish, had to drive 140 miles to a meeting (on a Friday I ask you), a meeting that I asked for 3 weeks ago and was told it was not needed, to discuss things I brought up 3 weeks ago and were dismissed as not necessary, only this time the meeting was asked for by a sales rep and this time I asked the same question (to the sales rep) that were asked of me three weeks ago and he gave same answers I gave three weeks ago and they were accepted. Then after the meeting I had the joys of a 3hr 20min drive home on a Friday night, normally the same drive takes 2hr 30 minute on any other night of the week.

Not got much planned for this weekend, weather a bits wet. Sons birthday on Monday so probably look for a couple of small pressies for him tomorrow (already sorted his main pressies) while he is not around (he going out with grandma). Need to sort some pictures out for my web sites and look at sorting out the rebuilds that I keep meaning to do. Also got a friends laptop to sort out, you know the sort of thing, it was working last night but this morning it won't start oh and I don't have the CD for it. Sunday, might take the camera out, just depends on the weather.

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