Saturday, May 16, 2009

Being ripped off

I was online today looking for a couple of new memory cards for one of my digital cameras and found some 1GB card on for sale at £1.99, although 1GB was smaller than I was looking for it was cheaper to by 4 x 1GB cards than it was to buy 2 x 2GB (2gb cards £14.99). So I duly ordered 4 x 1GB cards, entered all my details, then as I was about to order I noticed the price was wrong, £26.00!!!!! On closer inspection they were charging £4.51 per card postage and packaging. The card in question are only small (1" x 3/4"), I would agree to £5, but £18 for all four, "Amazon you are extracting the urine" suffice to say I cancelled the order.

Earlier in the day I had been looking at a friends laptop, it would not boot up. The end result was the hard disk was broken. It is not a major job to change a laptop hard drive (7 screw) so I went on line to get an idea of price so I could pass on the information. I found the same replacement hard disk priced between £30 and £90, why? I guess the answer is because they can.........

Finally the biggest rip off of the lot is me (us) the British tax payer is the MP's expenses. While the media may be hyping it to the rafter and pushing the boundaries between truth and sensationalism, but as the old saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. If I had falsified my expenses for work I would expect to loose my job, but hey if you are an MP just say sorry it was a mistake, I forgot I had finished paying my mortgage and that I was also claiming expenses on it and they get to keep there job. The whole of the British government has sunk to a new low, the whole lot should be dissolved and start again. Maybe when we vote at the next election those standing for office should publish their expenses first and then take an oath of honesty and truthfulness, it is no more than we ask those foreign immigrant to do when they want to become British citizens.

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