Thursday, July 9, 2009

I feel grumpy

Not sure why but I feel grumpy, maybe it is because of work today which was a lot of going from a to b and back again then on to c. Maybe because I am tired, I have not slept well all week, been awake early for the last three morning (4am-ish) and then don't get back to sleep any sense until five minutes before getting out of bed. Apart from all the driving today I was trying to configure some new kit, the manual while well written just does not tell me what I need to know, so I have emailed support and there another job which I can't finish.

I have lots to do but don't have the get up and go to do anything at the moment, going to try for an early night tonight, see if I can get some sleep. Have a load of jobs around the house that need doing so I need to find some energy from somewhere.

Been playing with some of the pictures I have taken recently (one of the job still have to do). Here one of the motor bikes from Poole Quay a couple of weeks ago. I liked this one as it had that old school chopper look to it. Unfortunately you have a near zero chance of getting a clear shot, there will always be other bikes, people or large shadows 

Well my red bits have calmed down since Sunday, I was not looking forward to Tuesday when I had the wear trousers to work (worked from home on Monday so wore shorts) but in the end it was not to bad. Had one of those slow boring drives home, just no clear section of road to get me foot down and get going.

Just been exploring my blogger account and found links to other peoples blogs, god do I feel depressed now. They are all so dam interesting and here me bleeting on and on about me. Think I need to go and have a re think sometime over the next few days

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