Monday, July 6, 2009

Not a happy bunny!

Today was weight in day, and my weight has shot up again. Looking back at my progress my weight is up and down up and down but I just can not get past this block. I tried to eat everything correctly last week, because of the weather there were lots of salad, snacks were fruit, cold potatoes or boiled eggs. I have started eating yogurts which I am not a great fan of to make sure I stay away from the wrong foods. But it all seem to be for nothing. I am so frustrated, I know when I have had a bad week and eaten things that won't help my weight loss but I really felt I was doing right last week. But if history follows it path, next week will be a reasonable weight loss and won't have eaten anything different this week than I had eaten last week..........

For the past few days I have been moving one of my web site to a new sub domain, I decided that funding three web hosting packages was getting costly, so now that one of the web sites has moved I can cancel that hosting package. Then I will move the other web site to another sub domain. Once that is done I will sort out photographic hosting, that four gallery worth of photographs to sort out. So there a bit of work to do and hopefully at the end of it I will have saved some money some where along the line.

My knee's and shins are still a tender pink colour, they are still fairly sore, being rubbing lots of moisturising cream into them, should be interesting tomorrow when I have to wear a pair of trousers to work (the joy of working from home, I can get away with wearing shorts).

Let hope tomorrow morning is a little less chaotic, phone system crashed and the lines handling the Internet crashed as well and all before by 9:30am this morning. Like I did not have anything better to do on a Monday morning.........

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