Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm glowing

Been out flying today and I have this little red glow around me, my forearms and legs have that glowing feeling.............maybe I should of put the sun cream on. Apart from that I had a good fly, typical wind start of low and so I get a big kite out and as soon as I am flying the big kite, the wind picks ups and its back for a smaller one. Even had a flypast by the red arrow this afternoon (flew out of Hurn on their way to Goodwood Festival of Speed). Emergency service were kept busy today, first the air ambulance flew in (helicopter landing pad about 1/2 mile away) and then 30 minute later the coastguard helicopter landed.

Well whats happened over the last few days, well work came and went as usual, the weather has cooled down a bit, still sunny and hot but the close muggynest has gone thankfully.

I have found a new band to follow, after watching Glastonbury (the joys of iPlayer)  I decided to look at Pendulum, bought there "Live at Brixton Academy" CD, pretty good value by today standards, 16 track CD plus 19 track DVD of the same event. Not a bad CD, may look at purchasing another CD of there's when I come across some more of there work (don't think their target audience is an old fart like me!)

Decided that we are not going to do Eastbourne Extreme event this year, so we are are going to goto Southend instead, they have an event on the same weekend and we are on holiday the week after so there no rush to get back so we can have a long weekend.

Thankfully the tennis finish today (or has already) I just can't see what the excitement is, it is not like we are any good at it.

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