Sunday, May 17, 2009


The past few years have been full of turmoil for me but through it all I have tried to keep plodding away at all the things I need to do but just shying away from making that ultimate decision on what I should do. But I have come to realise over the past few months that I can't keep turning a blind eye to things that are going on in my life. Thats why 8 months ago when I was told by the doctor, "lose weight or it is diabetes for you" I opted for the slimming option, not been easy but I am around 22lb lighter with a long way to go, but I am feeling better for it.

My weight problem has not been my only problem, but regardless of the problem I treated them just the same, doing just enough to keep going without having to face the truth or make any painful decision about it. Well as anybody who has walked a similar road knows you can't keep hiding away from problems like this. The longer it takes you to face them, the harder they become to face. Well I have faced up to another one of my problems recently, I decided what needed to be done and put things in place for that to happen. I still need to carry out the solution should it become necessary and I know that won't be easy but I have to do it otherwise it will end up making my life worse than it has been and the problem I am having to deal with will just continue.

My final problem is one that I can't do much about at the moment, it is not the right time, but the decision is in my head and I know what I need to do, it is all about biding my time and keeping my eyes and ears open. Again it won't be easy and will probably involve sacrifices on my part but again I need to make this change in my life, otherwise it will continue to control and rule my life and I don't intend to let it continue to that any longer than I have to.

I am just beginning to realise why I started this blog, rather than getting frustrated about something that has happen during my day I can have a little rant here and let of a bit of steam, it is my little safety valve. While I can rant I would much rather write about the nice thing that have happened. Maybe in time to come I will be able to write that my life is really great rather than just getting by as it is now.

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