Sunday, May 31, 2009

To much of me?

I am still not sure what I should be writing in a blog? is it a diary of my days, my observation through my day or do I choose a random subject and start writing about it. Even here I assume that I should write something everyday (I missed writing last nights blog so I am writing this Sunday morning), may be I have not been writing long enough to develop a style yet?

Well I am going to have a whinge about one of my pet hates, other drivers. You know the ones, they drive the car that is not fitted with indicators, the driver that approaches a junction and sit in the middle of the road with no indicators so that you have to guess which way they are turning. The person who forgets where the accelerator is and drives slowly on clear open roads. Drivers who don't know how to go around a round about properly, this one I probably hate the most. You approach the roundabout you get into the correct lane you enter the roundabout and then another driver on the inside or outside then tries to drive through the side of your car, I am not talking about the boy racer or the sales exec. in the BMW who thinks the road is their personal race track (they are in a league of their own), these are just your normal everyday drivers who don't have a clue what they are doing. Yes we have all visited an area we don't know and we don't know the exit we want, but you can't tell me there is one of those along side me on every roundabout everyday??

I was reading a forum the other day and in one of the replies the writer stated that the police do not park on double yellow lines unless they are attending an incident. Well I can take you to a road where every Monday to Friday a police vehicle will park on double yellow lines at around the same time every day and he is not attending a "police incident". Add that to the police keeping to the speed limit (when not on there way to an incident), well I followed a police car along a stretch of dual carriageway well above the speed limit, there were no lights, no siren, no indication from the police car that I should stop speeding. It would have been an interesting conversation had he pulled me over.

Speed cameras, on the whole I agree with them but I believe they are used far to much to increase revenue rather than stopping speeding motorists. The static ones for the most part are placed in the wrong places. Traffic lights should all be fitted with the camera to detect red light jumpers. I find that some driver will drive through a red light at every set of traffic lights I stop at now a days.

Well that my starter, I will return later today with the Sunday night write up.

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