Thursday, June 11, 2009

Don't think I should eaten so much

Its the other half birthday today and I got her what she wanted which were tickets for the Speedway Grand Prix in Cardiff in July. I was told I only had to get her a card for today and that was it. So that's exactly what I did, so why at 5:30 tonight was I being asked

"where are you taking me tonight?"
"No where" was my reply
"oh I thought you were going to surprise me"
"I did by listening to you and only getting you a card!!"

It soon became obvious that a meal out was going to be required, so we duly booked a table at a local Indian. After 26 years together this was to be our first Indian meal in a restaurant. We have had take aways from the same place so we knew the quality of the food should be good. I well I am glad to report that we were not disappointed. I am sat here bloated by my meal tonight, can't remember what I had but it was very nice, and I must admit it was very mild for a medium curry. I was also surprised to see how busy the place was, there was a party of 12, a party of 4, another couple and ourselves which made the restaurant 2/3rd's full.

Work was almost a quiet today, I had a meeting this morning about data links and phones and that over ran by 1.5 hrs. Then I need to get some software and instruction over to a user by 3:00pm (this was at 1:30pm), but once that was done the main bits of the day were out of the way. Tomorrow I will spend my morning in a field upgrading laptops and installing mobile broadband. The reason I will be doing this in a field is the company is having its annual show and it the only time I can guarantee all the staff and laptops being in the same place at the same time, just hope it is sunny.

Not sure what I am doing at the weekend, hopefully I will get the kites out, weather looks OK, but it depends on the wind.

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