Monday, June 8, 2009

Yay good news

My weight is on it way down again (well it was last week but only by a small margin) but this week I was a couple of bags of sugar lighter. I had to fill out a food diary for the past week, you do it as you eat something so that way you don't forget what you have eaten etc. They give you this small poxy A5 bit of paper to write all the details down on, so they were a little surprised when I turned up with 2 A4 sheets of paper. I looked at the diary tonight when I printed it of and thought I would have gained with what I had eaten, thankfully I lost and lost well.

I think writing down everything you eat focuses the mind to the point "I can't eat those chocolate biscuit as I will have to put them on the list" sort of thing. Well I hope that it anyway as I am doing another diary this week and I have set myself a good target for next week (less than I lost this week but I am not very good three weeks running) which if I achieve I will then hopefully be the lightest I have been since I started this weight loss campaign and maybe, just maybe hit the 2st lost marker.

Work was the same boring drudgery today, as usual I don't exist until somebody want something. Had a call regarding a problem first thing this morning, told them I would not be able to resolve the problem over the phone, they have an alternative system to use for now. I might be able to get to look at there problem tomorrow if I get time, failing that it will be Wednesday.

I must admit I am bored to death with this European election and MP's expenses fiasco. The simple fact of the matter is, if it was me or you fiddling our expenses then we would be sacked, regardless of the fact we offered to pay the money back, but if you are an MP you just get told off. Then they wonder why nobody votes for them in the election and everybody is voting for the BNP, so who do you want to run the country, a thieving scum bag or a racist scum bag??

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