Monday, June 29, 2009

Ouch that hurt!

I realised today that you should never leave the driver side sun visor part way down when you get out of the car because it don't have hurt when it smacks you in the eye when you get back in the car. I must of screamed loudly, even my 9 year old son was concerned I had hurt myself, ended up with a ice red mark at the corner of my eye.

I remembered why I hate Windows Vista this morning, I booted up the laptop as normal and everything seemed to boot OK but then when I tried to click on any of the desktop icon I kept getting a window pop up offering to install a program. The program in question was installed months ago and was un-related to any of the program icons I was clicking on. So I decided to reboot, bad move. The laptop rebooted to a completely new desktop, apparently it could not find my profile so had given me a temporary one. Well after a couple of hours hacking the permission and I managed to get my own desktop back minus some setting. Not the way you really want to start a Monday morning.

Should of gone to the slimming weigh in tonight but we remembered that there was some doubt about to-nights meeting due to other commitments of the leader. We had no calls or text to say it was on or not so we decided to give it a miss and will go to a meeting at another venue tomorrow night. So I have another day to wait to see if I can get beyond the weight loss I am stuck at, won't say what it is until I get past it, think tomorrow might be a starvation day.

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