Sunday, June 28, 2009

Missing in action again

The title say it all really, had a majorly crap week and writing the blog was just not top of my list of thing I wanted to do. Thing have got back on track in the last couple of days, reality bringing us to our senses for once. 

Despite how my week went worked seem to tick along quite nicely which was just as well as I don't think I could of handled both giving me major grief.

I have been trying to get into Glastonbury on the TV but I just can't seem to, not sure if it the stress of the past week or the groups I see on TV are just not hitting the mark but I am struggling to be interested.

Went to Cardiff yesterday for the British Speedway Grand Prix, while I enjoyed the racing I certainly was not comfortable being there because of the past weeks events. Was not happy to see a bunch up during the event and not the one seen by TV viewer across Europe but the one in the crowd. While I don't not what caused it but certainly drink was a major factor. 

Must say for a major event and venue (Millennium Stadium) like this the sound system there was crap, it was extremely loud to the point everything was distorted, the band they had came across really bad due to the lousy sound system, the PA kept cutting out, all in all not a very good advert for the event or the venue.

The event was sponsored by Rockstar Energy drinks, now I never put a lot of faith in these sort of high caffeine drinks. But as we were leaving the Stadium they were giving cans of it away. So I took a complimentary can. We left the car park at 9-00pm and as we drove out of the city I drank my can. I got home at 11-45pm and did not feel tired. I sat there unwinding till 1-00am when I thought that if I go to bed I will fall asleep. At 2-00am I decide that these hi energy drinks do work...........

Well it seems that last weeks problem took more out of me than I realsied has I have very little more to write about.

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