Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I hate Tennis

What is it about Tennis and Wimbledon that get everybody going, is it because there a so called Brit (so called because he claims to be Scottish) in the semi finals, do all the men go wonky at the site of women in short skirts or maybe they can remember their adolescent where they had the picture on the wall of the female tennis player walking away from the camera lifting her skirt to reveal the naked bum beneath? Maybe the women have a thing about men in tight shorts that grunt.

Nothing bores me as much as watching tennis. I think it comes from when I was a child and we only had a TV that had BBC or ITV (southern as it was then). When Wimbledon week came round the kids programmes would get moved to BBC2 and I would miss my favourite kids programs (did not like ITV kids programs a part from How!). I will be glad when Sunday finals have come and gone regardless of our Brit\Scot winning of losing.

While were ranting at sport I hate lets move onto football, it must be to most over rated 90 minutes in the world, 22 prima-donna's prancing around for an annual salary that would keep a hospital wing open or double the police on our streets.

So now you are probably asking whats sports do you like, well lets start with Rugby Union, they play hard and they get hit hard and then get up and carry on playing, not like there football prima-donnas who would be rolling around on the floor crying. I enjoy most motorsports, particuarly Speedway, 70mph without brakes inches apart from one another, thats takes skill and guts.

Let move on to the weather, its hot, its damm hot but it is the muggyness that is getting to everybody. Yesterday it was cloudy until early evening and we had a couple of hours rain as well. But now the nanny state has taken control, telling us when we should go out in the sun, advising us that we should wear light loose fitting cloths and possibly a pair of shorts. Exactly what are building site workers (there are many others but builders will do for now) that have to have every bit of exposed skin covered, wear safety hats, safety goggle, safety foot wear and safety gloves as well, can they go home early when it is to hot??

Common sense has lost its place

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