Monday, June 15, 2009

Well that did not go to plan

Tonight was weigh-in night for the diet, let just say I am back to playing the human yo-yo's again. After last week and getting within spitting distance of the 2st lost mark, it all now a distant memory and my diet is back on the drawing board. I just can not consistently lose weight. Currently sat here hungry and wondering what I could eat and fortunately daughter comes in from work and hands me a fruit salad pot (fresh), they had reached their expiry date so they were selling them off, 10p each, that fill a hole.

Work came and went in its normal fashion today, I only exist when there is a problem or somebody wants something. Off to head office tomorrow so that should be fun.........not. Will try and do it SAS style, in and out again before they even know I was there.

Spent the evening trying work out how to use my new phone, it like having a new PC but with a screen and keyboard a couple of inches square. Got all the basics working, just got to sort out the more advanced bits. My next job is to tackle the modem on the laptop, really want to try it now but I know if I do I will be sat here for another couple of hours playing and I have an early start tomorrow.

Tomorrow night is bike night on Poole Quay so weather permitting I will be going down for the first time this year so I may have a couple motorcycle pictures tomorrow.

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