Sunday, June 14, 2009

Opps I forgot

I was to busy watching the Le Mans 24 Hour race to write my blog last night, just love that race, I did not even realise that it was on this weekend. One day I will fulfill the promise I made myself and go to the event.

Did very little Saturday, went to the company BBQ in the evening. Nearly never got to the BBQ because some silly women thought she would pull out of the lay-by in front of me to see if my brakes worked, thankfully for her they did. Did a bit of window shopping earlier in the day and that was it, rest of the time was spent watching Euro Sports Le Man coverage, makes for a pretty boring blog!!

Part 2
Well that was an expensive shopping trip, had to go to Sainbury to pick up a couple of items for the evening BBQ we were intending to have, so why did we spend over a hour and a half in the 3 mobile phone shop and walk out with 2 new phones and a mobile Internet dongle??

I am now sporting Nokia's version of the Blackberry (daughter nicknamed it a nokaberry), don't have a clue what button to push but hey. Wife has a new Samsung, the one she wanted as well, decided to get a the 3 version as it was free with her chosen call plan, when she questioned Orange (her existing supplier) about one, she had to upgrade her call plan and pay for the phone, her new 3 call plan is cheaper than she is currently paying on Orange and has more call time and unlimited text. Best of all these phones work in the house which Orange don't.

Managed to get the grass cut this afternoon but somewhere along the lines I lost a couple of hours, as the aftrnoon ran away from us, we cooked the BBQ in doors as parts on the BBQ were in the dish washer being washed and the dishwasher was not due to finish until 6:30, so we sat down to an indoor BBQ and watched Madagascar 2 on DVD. Not as good as the original (when is the follow up ever better??) but still not a bad film.

Spent the evening learning the feature on the new phone and trying to convince the USB dongle to work with my Laptop (it does not run Windows or OS X), so far not succeeded yet.

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