Sunday, May 31, 2009

To day was cool

Cool as in it was not as hot as yesterday, trying to do the gardening yesterday was murder, had I known it was going to be cooler today I would of left it till today. In contrast to yesterday today was a totally laid back day, laid in bed till late (late for us), then went and did a bit of shopping and then back home to just sit around in the sun.

BBQ today instead of the normal Sunday lunch and a bit of a paddle in the paddling pool we were given, took ages to clean (its has been sat out side all winter) but once it was filled with water son enjoyed himself. By the end of the afternoon I had to go and lay down as I had a stinking head ache and ended up falling a sleep for a couple of hours.

Daughter asked me to look at her college project she was writing, there was a problem with the layout format. 2 hours later and numerous software updates to her laptop she now working on finishing it by lunch time tomorrow when it has to be handed in. Why do student always leave it till the last minute??

Well its back to work for me tomorrow, and I am not really looking forward to it, going to work from home to lessen the blow. Then it is an early start and head office on Tuesday, which should be fun.............NOT

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