Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I never get the full story and Mamby Pamby Sports stars

I got asked to collect some IT equipment from one of our branches yesterday, they are having a clear out in one building and the bosses felt it was safer if I collected the IT bits rather than leave it to those clearing the building out. Well I decided to do it today as I am busy Thursday and Friday and on holiday next week. I had intended to get to the branch, collect the bits do a couple of hours work and then drive back to another branch on the way home for a meeting later in the afternoon.

When I reached said branch I was met with a completely gutted office, somebody had forgotten to tell me that they were re-carpeting the entire office today. I eventually found where they had setup home for the day in the building they were going to be clearing out, hidden behind piles of furniture! That's was problem one, problem two was that the equipment I was supposed to be clearing out was newer than the equipment that was in the main office so branch manager wanted to keep the newer stuff and let me take the older stuff, not a problem, except that all the older equipment was in the store room at the far end of the office that they were re-carpeting and the floor was covered in glue!!!

Trying to explain to the MD (who turned up) what I was doing there and the fact that I had to wait until the carpet was laid before I could collect the equipment was fun

The talk at work today was football, when I was asked my opinion about some forthcoming match I expressed my believe that most players are a bunch of mamby pamby overpaid fairies. This was met with a silence which was eventually broken with the question "what sport do you follow then"? That's easy, Speedway and Rugby (union variety). My Speedway comment was met with, "Speedway? that not a real sport", well I may be wrong here but four riders racing around a track at upto 70mph without brakes shows a lot more skill and courage than some guy trying to kick a leather ball into a net and falls over if anybody get within 3ft of him. You watch a Speedway meeting and see what happens when these guys come off their bikes. Nine times out of ten the guy will get up and start to walk back to the pits ready to come out in the re-run. A footballer falls over and
he is rolling around like he has just been run down by a herd of elephants.

Ok I will admit some football player have some good ball skills but the way they act in (what is called) the national game, gimme a break most of them are a bunch of prima donna's. If want to a real game with a leather ball then watch a rugby match, those guys play hard and rough and that is part of the game.

Football is all about the look, the adulation and the money, very little of it is about the game.

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