Friday, May 22, 2009

Yeah, it is a Bank Holiday

Its a bank holiday weekend, it is going to be sunny for two of the three days and I also have all of next week off as well, that a nice thought to finish work with on a Friday. Today was a pretty calm day for a change, managed to finish my 4 proposal early, sorted out a PC I was preparing for when I am back at work and only a couple of annoying phone calls and all handled from the comfort of my dining room (which looks more like an office).

Not got a lot planned for next week yet, would like to get the kites out but there is a fair on at the flying field so will have to see how thing go on that front. Will probably take the camera out but not sure where yet. Will be doing the garden tomorrow so that a) it will be one job out of the way and b) assuming it nice weather I will spend it bit of time resting in the garden!!

Sunday I have to get my anorak out the cupboard, I have to admit to being a train spotter in my younger day and still have a passing interest in trains, so with the Eastleigh Railway Works 100 years open weekend this bank holiday and with my sons interest in train it is the ideal place for a day out on Sunday. I will be taking my camera but I think I will leave the little book of train numbers at home :o

And finally is anybody reading my blogs??? a simple yes will suffice beginning to thing I am alone in my own little world

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