Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thats a weight of my mind

I have been going to Slimming World for the last 10 months and today after a good weight in (that's the term for going to the weekly meeting and having your weight checked), I'm a happy camper, to date I have lost 26.5lb's. Maybe I should of waited till next week when hopefully I will have hit the magic 28lb mark but I promised you some good news so there you go. I am the lightest I have been for a while although there is still a long way for me to go yet, I don't have a target weight to get down to, I just know the area I want to get to.

Well that was the only good news of the day. My trip to HQ was as boring as ever, Mr Happy the engineer returned to hook up the photocopier\printer\scanner, at least this time the photocopier worked which is more than it did last time. But in the end he had to call his mate who arrived and had it all sorted within 10 minutes.

The drive home was entertaining as everybody seem to have lost the use of their indicators and mirror so just pulled out in front of me. But at least I got home.

Short blog tonight as I am propping my eyes open at the moment.

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